Monday, October 5, 2020



If you are feeling down & in deep sorrow,
Believe that it's new start to become hero.
Everything in this world starts with zero,
Plant seed of thoughts & water it to grow.



All must have played game of shadow in childhood,
Playing with dark images used to set our mood.
These small joys would make us forget even food,
Those tension free early days were always good.

Later understood that shadows aren't only physical,
It also has aspects like mental, emotional & social.
Image left behind by our deeds isn't superficial,
We take back all resulting shadows  with our burial.

A person carries a typical aura wherever he goes,
His nature make people either sad or give happy dose.
Since we leaving an image better giving a divine pose,
Behind us it should flourish aroma with petals & rose.

Sunday, September 27, 2020



We all have come into this world alone,
Crossing all the destinies we have flown.
What you earn in between sets a tone,
Present deeds generate next gen clone.

Our life is temporary with unknown end,
It's a choice to waste or give worthy bend.
March towards it either with open hands,
Or create you own world where you stand.

People will come & go from your lives,
Don't be dependent on anyone else guys.
Friendship,love is at one place of high five,
You alone has to nurture your life & die.

Thursday, September 24, 2020



Every day we keep running behind targets,
We keep no stone unturned to open gates.
Eventually what happens with us is a fate,
Accept this truth you may like it or hate.

Here is an example which will explain it,
You wish to catch a bus within time limit.
Just miss bus no matter you may be fit,
You may get it but unfortunately no seat.

Sometimes you don't try but still you get it,
With just a casual effort bulls eye you hit.
Do your work without worries about merit,
God's plan will work however you try for it.

Enjoy and do work naturally without worry,
Stop if things doesn't go as plan smoothly.
Hurdles come when its not ur cup ideally,
Learn to let go & start different life freshly.

Tuesday, September 22, 2020



Why life is difficult? Life isn't fair with me,
Problems everywhere, peace we can't see.
Loved one left at early age, just left is we,
I still can't find the life's happiness key.

Left studies & worked to support family,
Sometimes i slept with half filled belly.
Struggle in my life will be over hopefully,
My incomplete life will be completed truly.

Not loosing hope since god is a visionary,
Plans kept for me will be executed slowly.
Struggle will be turn into fruit equally,
Impatient life will be on track peacefully.

Sunday, September 20, 2020



World has defined things as good & bad,
It should have been little different instead.
Good & bad surely has some value to add,
It's a learning experience you just had.

There should be a bridge to both this state,
An equilibrium to be attained at any rate.
This reduces gap between joyous &  hate,
Mind will be calm at any point & any date.

Blank Page

Blank page...

Every day in life opens a fresh blank page,
It's common for all humans no limit of age.
Yesterday's page is turned,don't be in rage,
Fill your page with love, joy at every stage.

Sometimes things are difficult to manage,
Behaviour of peoples are hard to gauge.
We are humans and not animals in cage,
Be bold & not let people take advantage.

Day at work writes big para on your page,
Gets tired & sleeps like on a heavy dosage.
Find time for yourself to write a passage,
It's time for your hidden talent to salvage.